science and research

Please select any nursing research article from any one of the scientific journals found in the Nursing-Related Databases and Journals list. Select an article from an area that you are interested in or from the field you are working in. Using the article selected, construct a critique of the article, 6 to 10 pages (including cover page and references).

The critique should

  • identify the problem statement or statement of purpose of the article
  • describe the participants being studied, stating inclusion and exclusion criteria
  • discuss the sampling issues, such as probability or nonprobability and number of subjects used
  • identify the study setting—where data collection occurred
  • discuss informed consent—whether the participants were fully informed, how their consent was obtained, and any other ethical considerations
  • identify the hypothesis or research question
  • identify the research design—for example, experimental or nonexperimental; descriptive, exploratory, explanatory, or predictive?
  • identify research variables, both independent and dependent
  • comment the on article’s literature review—how the study data were analyzed (what statistical measures were used)
  • describe the results of the study and appropriateness of the methods used; include study limitations
  • accurately critique comments on level of evidence used, nursing theory, and implications for nursing practice or research
  • discuss how the research findings can be applied to the clinical area

The following resources, in the week 4 Learning Resources section of the LEO classroom, will provide helpful guidelines for constructing a critique of a nursing research article.



The Learning Resources page lists resources that provide several guidelines for constructing a critique of a nursing research article you may find helpful. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your instructor.

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