christianity in the world 3

Unit 4 Christianity in the World


Please answer the following question in a minimum of 250 words with at least 2 scholarly sources in APA format.

According to your text, justification in the Christianity is achieved through faith in Christ. Justification in Judaism is done through observation of the Law and the Jewish ethic (ceremonies, feasts, worship, food regulations, etc). First, define justification. Secondly, do you believe that the Christian is truly saved by faith in Christ alone or do you believe, as does Judaism that there is “work” to be done to secure salvation? Please explain your answer.


Answer the following questions. Word count for the whole section is 1200 minimum word count and least 3 scholarly sources in APA format.

  • In appropriate depth and detail, and utilizing scholarly references, describe the basic characteristics of Judaism, including but not limited to: its history, its primary beliefs, its criticisms, its practices, and its organization.
  • In appropriate depth and detail, and utilizing scholarly references, describe the themes found in the teachings of Jesus Christ and the concept of the “Gospel” that the first Christians sought to spread.
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