excel project 17
Always use the project instructions provided online and follow them in order.
ï‚· Always begin a project with the provided Start file; do not start a project in a file that you created yourself.
ï‚· Always use the correct version of the MS Office software to complete your project.
ï‚· Always use a single space after punctuation at the end of sentences; do not use two spaces.
Determine Your Version of Microsoft Office
Different versions of Microsoft Office have different features, menu options, themes and styles. Use the correct version of the MS Office software to complete your project. All 2016 Word, Excel and PowerPoint projects have been adapted for Macintosh users, and selected 2013 projects are also Mac compatible. When completing the Mac supported projects, follow the correct version of project instructions for your version of Microsoft Office.
To check your Office for Mac version, open Word, Excel, or PowerPoint software. Open the Word (or Excel, or PowerPoint) menu and click About Word (or Excel, or PowerPoint). If the number after the Word Version is less than 15, follow the Instructions for Office for Mac 2011. If the number after the word Version is greater than or equal to 15, follow the Instructions for Office for Mac 2016.