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Week 7 Reflection Assignment
Reflection Assignment for Week 7
Students will perform an experiment link to a local environmental issue; instructor must approve the topic. Your proposed experiment must have hands on lab work for at least 2 hours.
Learning Objective(s) Addressed by This Activity
- Describe a local environmental issue.
- Evaluate the role humans have played and if this issues cause health problems.
- Understand how the public plays a role in fixing the issue.
Consider the environment in your local area ad pick an environmental topic or issue for which you would like to complete an experiment on (HINT– it helps to have the same topic for both SC370 & SC370L, you can use the same recourse and general background information). Select an environmental topic that has impact in your area and is one of the topics that we have covered in the past 7 weeks. You must propose and environmental lab and carry out the experiment.
Final Local Experiment Paper Guidelines
Final Local Experiment ***Due Day 7 week7*** More than four decades after the first Earth Day, there are still many environmental concern for communities around the world to address. However progress is being made and it could be argued that awareness about environmental issues is at an all-time high. The assignment is based on hands on experiment that you must select on your own.
Website to check out for topic ideas: http://www.sciencebuddies.org/science-fair-projects/Intro-Environmental-Science.shtml. Another option is to expand on an pervious experiment form the class.
Write a lab report paper based on the guidelines outlined below. There is a two page (1700 words minimum) for the paper. Use at least four sources for the paper and make sure you use the proper format for referencing your sources. **title page & references are not included with total page requirements.
Examples of a Lab Report can be seen at http://www.mhhe.com/biosci/genbio/maderinquiry/writing.html.