analysis of the book woman at point zero


  1. Select 1 passage from Woman at Point Zero. (The words passage and quotation are used interchangeably and mean the same thing.)
    • You may piece together multiple passages using ellipses (…) in between.
    • Be sure to include the page number(s) after the passage, like this (17-18).
  2. Write a short summary of the passage (1-2 sentences).
    • this is just to get the summary out of your system and to be able to focus on an analysis
  3. THESIS: In 1 sentence, explain what you are trying to prove in your paper. (must be arguable claim.)
  4. Analyze the passage you have chosen (2 or more paragraphs).
    • What does is show you as a reader?
    • Can you apply the theoretical lenses to the passage? What does that reveal about the passage?
    • What is your interpretation of the passage?
    • remember to avoid summarizing the passage
    • remember to avoid making overgeneralizations based on the text.
    • Apply at least one literary theory

    a) have a clear topic sentence that tells you what the point of the paragraph isb) include an example in the form of a quotation introduced and integrated the quotation wellc) contain an analysis which explains their point presented in the topic sentence?

Literary theories:

Traditional Literary Criticism:

New Criticism:

Marxist Theory:

Critical Theory:

Structuralism & Poststructuralism/Deconstruction:

New Historicism & Cultural Materialism

Ethnic Studies and Postcolonial Criticism

Gender Studies and Queer Theory

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