write article 12218605 2

I have listed 6 articles from a security company called Sophos.  Your assignment is to pick one of the articles and write a response to it.  This is not a major writing assignment.  It doesn’t have to be long – a page or less should be enough to cover the chosen topic.  It should have a short summary of the article as well as what you take away from it.

I’m sure I don’t have to mention it, but I would be remiss if I didn’t:  As with every assignment I will give, do not cut and paste information from other sources – I always want your view and your words.



6 articles from Sophos:


Password-protect your Wi-Fi hotspots and ask for user details too, rules ECJ


How Google Play tracks you even if your other apps don’t


Could a phone steal a secret product prototype off your 3D printer?


Phones’ accelerometers allow you to be tracked on the metro


Stealing ATM PINs with thermal cameras



PowerSpy” – can crooks really track you by the power your phone is using?

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